Saturday 29 September 2012

Interlude part two

Surgery went through on Thursday. Oh the indignities of hospital gowns and bedpans! However, the surgeon has now decided my right foot need far more extensive surgery than first realised. Living on my own and having Parkinson's has meant he has refused to do both feet at once. My right foot is going to be a lot more painful than my left. It seems December is the earliest he may consider operating. To say that I am gutted would be putting it mildly.  At present I am confined to the flat for the next couple of weeks and am hobbling around on crutches. Thank you to everyone for their kind messages.


  1. Think of all the planning you can do!

  2. Ghasp - this must be frustrating... But maybe one foot at a time will be easier even though it's dragging things out quite a lot....

  3. Well then, we'll just have to have Another Plan then....won't we?

    Well, won't we??


  4. True John, just a case of thinking up a plan B

  5. Very frustrating Mike. The next foot is going to be the difficult one. Mind, hospital tea has improved!

  6. All the best, Dawn

  7. Like people kept saying to me, the time will pass, even though it does feel like a total pain (pun not intended) at the moment.
    And like others have said, get lots of planning done then you'll have lots to look forward to :)

  8. Thanks Chrissie. At present I am having a hug a tent day. One of the tents is being fitted with new guy lines. Having the shakes makes tieing thin line difficult!
