Friday 15 March 2013

Another aborted trip

A couple of weeks back I had to scrap at the last minute, a trip to Dartmoor. This was a direct result of the debacle back in February. Mike had sketched out a gentle, pre challenge wander in South Wales. The usual flurry of e mails. Train times arranged, meeting up places and times. Early March was agreed upon. A bunkhouse booked for our first night. My GP had prescribed medication and naively I had hoped they would tide me over during the course of the week. They did not, as I rapidly found out. There is no point in going in to the gory details. Tuesday morning there was little choice but to bale out. Basically, I was, and still am, quite ill. To put it mildly I am gutted, very upset that I let Mike down. Maybe now I need to stand aside and have a rethink on things. My main spring is badly damaged. The joy and pleasure of being out on the hill dulled. Enough said, I will wait and see Mike's write up of the trip.


  1. Sorry to hear it went pear-shaped for you, chin-up girl!

    Don't worry about Mike, he's one of the good guys (don't tell him I said that!) and his concern will be for you.

    Best wishes,


  2. My oh my, you are having a rough time. Only one thing to say. “Get well very soon”.

  3. Thank you John, it is just that sense of failure.

  4. Really sorry to hear that. Best wishes for your recovery.

  5. Hi Robin, I guess it is just one of those things. Extremely frustrating though

  6. It would only have been a failure if you had ignored your body and had a rough time. Abergavenny area is going nowhere and will be there for you next time.

  7. I'm sorry to hear this, Dawn. It's a right sod when you get setbacks like this.
    I hope things improve for you soon.
    All the best

  8. Many thanks Alan. It is the longer term implications that are a worry

  9. True, possibly a return trip to Middle Ninfa?

  10. Hope that you recover soon Dawn. All the best.

  11. Thank you very much James

  12. Hi Dawn, I'm so sorry to hear that things are still not sorted. I really hope it all improves very soon and that you will be looking back on this period as just a minor setback.

  13. Ah well you didn't miss much.... ashley, thats a lie, it was grand but mainly desperately cold. Don't feel bad about it, and don't be packing stuff in till the fat lady is actually singing. Occasionally , a doctor comes up with a diagnosis. You might mention this to your GP!

  14. Thanks Chrissie. Mike, I have hospital on Thursday. Not packing in yet, there is a plan, a last throw of the dice maybe, but a plan.

  15. Its always good to have a plan. Things are always better with a plan! Fingers crossed!
