Monday 6 July 2009


Well, the best laid plans etc,as Rabbie Burns would say. Originally I had plans for an extended trip over July; however, after another trip to see the surgeon those have been scrapped. basically I have to go back in to hospital for yet another fairly minor op next Monday. However, I have been warned that for three or four weeks afterwards things can get rather unpleasant. So thus, July is a no go month for getting away. Hopefully I may get a few days in August, it will be a case of wait and see. Provisionally I did consider a trip this week but with the weather non too good I decided against it.


  1. best wishes for a speedy recovery

  2. Hi Dawn
    Sorry to hear you are still unwell. Hope your surgery solves the problem and you are back on the hill some day soon.

  3. What a major pain :( I hope you soon recover from the surgery.

  4. So sorry to hear about this, Dawn. Here's hoping the surgery goes well, you zen your way successfully through the recovery, and you can hit the hills comfortably by autumn.

  5. I hope you'll be back and striding boldly in time for the Fall.
