Thursday 10 November 2011

A wee rant

It is rare for me to write up a rant, however, this is one of those occasions. So folks, please excuse me while I indulge in a bit of a grumble. For some time I have been experiencing foot problems. When travelling my feet and ankles swell. The main issue though is that both feet, in particular my right foot, have been growing increasingly painful. Wearing ordinary shoes now means pain. This is mainly around the big toe area which is also distorting and pushing my other toes out of line. After many months I finally saw a podiatry specialist, (re human farrier). He was concerned over the state of my feet, muttering something about metatarsus damage  and promptly put me in line to see a surgeon. A few days back I saw said surgeon. After poking and prodding she said surgery was very much a necessity.  My response was 'fine, let's get on with it, the sooner sorted, the quicker I can start recovering fitness and get back on the hill' There was one problem, I am a single person, living alone, managing my own affairs. There is no family and so forth. Due to this and not being able to put in place a care worker, someone to cook for me, help me to the loo and so on, collect me from hospital and take me to physio. Thus surgery has been cancelled. There was an offer of a short term solution, cortisone injections. Other people live in similar circumstances as me; it appears that single people living alone are being penalized in situations such as this. So, I am not a happy bunny. Will it stop me heading to the hills, doing bushcraft and the likes? Not ruddy likely.


  1. You would think with so many people being in a similar situation that they would have a “Plan B”.
    This was probably a reality once but has now been shelved due to cost.
    Cost comes first. Doesn’t it?

  2. True Alan, cost comes first. Last time I had minor surgery under general anesthetic I managed to side step the issue and made my own way back. Not easy on the underground and I had a tad wee bit of difficulty.

  3. Hey, maybe this is a little bit off topic here, however I had been reading your website and it looks great!.

  4. I'm sorry to hear that :(

    I had a similar experience when I had to have an endoscopy a couple of years ago. Because I was on my own they said I couldn't have the sedation, even though I know from previous experience that it wouldn't in any way have affected my ability to get home.

    In the same situation a while later, I simply lied and told them that somebody was going to collect me. Perhaps you could try something similar? ♥

  5. Hi Shirl. how are you keeping? Oddly enough I did the same when I too had an endoscopy and also a couple of exploratory ops. Unfortunately the foot op means both feet in plaster. Maybe I would do better seeing a vet?

  6. Both feet at once? Nightmare! Can't they do them one at a time?

  7. Swings and roundabouts Shirl. Both feet in one hit may have meant a less drawn out recovery perio.
