Wednesday 13 January 2016

Coastal toddle

Mike had originally proposed a different walk but given conditions underfoot we opted for a gentle walk from Craster. The village was in winter mode, no throngs of touristy types, no smell of smoking kippers, just a few hardy dog walkers.

Dunstanburgh castle was closed. Quite an impressive pile though! A meander along the coast flanking the local golf links. An investigation of a ww2 bunker complete with murder hole and then on to Dunstan Steads. Lunch was had in a drafty barn while sheltering from a heavy sleety shower.

A gentle stroll brought us on to Dunstan Square, deep puddles, much to Lucky's displeasure. A very slutchy bit of track and then across fields back to Craster. A distance of five miles.


  1. Another word to add to my vocabulary - thank you

  2. We cycled all around there one day last February. Lovely area.

  3. It is a lovely area Chrissie.
