Friday 26 February 2016

A wee wander along the wall.

A week or two back Mike and had planned to be away for a few days backpacking. This one had been on the cards for a while. All the bits and pieces that make up a trip had been sorted and basically we were ready to go. However, a week or so before the assigned set off day, I had ended up with severe back pain. Locked muscles in the lower back was the diagnoses. A course of strong pain killers  alleviated the problem eventually. Mind, they sent me somewhat doolally, losing track of time and place. It meant a cancellation of the trip. Very disappointing and in many respects a feeling that I had let the side down!
Mike had proposed a gentle walk down through the gorge of Allen Banks. However, due to severe weather damage it was closed to the public. Thus we re jigged the walk and headed for Hadrian's Wall.

It was a circular walk starting from the Peel Crags car park. A beautiful day, chilly but fine and dry. This part of the wall is a regular switchback with much up and down. A stop for a spot of lunch and then on up over Hotbank Crags. Underfoot the ground was largely frozen. However, the Pennine Way did manage to lead us through some wet, boggy bits.

Some lovely walking around by Greenlee lough and back to the car park.

A pleasant day of walking in good company. On the way back we nipped up a wee hill Mike wanted to tick and spotted a tawny owl.
 According to Mike's map measury thing we did eight miles. My wee fit bit says ten. Which ever way, the walk was a good one.


  1. Remember that bit of Wall well from when Dixie and I did the PW. In fact, Dixie moaned that there was too much up and down on it......
    We also had a nice camp for the night near Greenlee Lough. Good memories. :)

  2. Sorry, Dawn, I meant to say straight away that I hope your back is much better now!

  3. Looks great and a lot less people than when we were there last September. With all the ups and downs on the Wall those miles are big ones!

  4. Indeed a lot less crowded Andrew. Prefer it that way.

  5. It certainly is a lot of up and down Chrissie. Back is still nagging a bit but is much better thanks.

  6. Nothing worse than a bad back. Glad to read you are ok now. I havn’t walked much along the wall except the Pennine Way bit. Sheila has often mentioned doing it but other things and the lack of holidays has usually scuppered any hopes. Maybe this year we can manage a few days.

  7. It is a lovely area Alan. The one downside is its popularity in the summer months. Things can become crowded. Another amazing thing I noticed when I was up that way a few years back, the grass on the path is actually mowed.
