Sunday 18 June 2017

Innerleithen / Peebles

This was a walk in relation to a review Mike was doing on behalf of CAMRA. They had brought out a guide to various pub walks and Mike had agreed to review a couple of the walks.. Peebles is a fair trek just to do a walk, thus Mike suggested an overnight camp would be better.
With the car parked in Peebles we nipped on the bus down to Innerleithen. Heading out, our route took us through the grounds of Traquair House. Plenty of superb lawns, (ideal for backpacking tents!).
. A few folk were around but it was fairly quiet. Lucky was quite taken by the peacocks.

Heading up through the Glen, notices welcomed walkers to the estate. The route led us on to the Cross Border Drove Road. An ancient right of way. We were in no rush and, finding a suitable camp spot we stopped for the day.

A comfortable night, despite a few midges. Early morning rain saw us delaying our start a wee bit. Following the drove road, we headed uphill. Mike had a wee top to visit. Having been moving quite slow, I opted to guard the rucksacks! while he nipped up the hill. Coming around by Yellow Mire, heavy rain caught up with us. squally showers chivvied for the rest of our way.
.The old road is a delight to walk, leading us over Kirkhope Law and Kailzie Hill. a lovely undulating ridge with splendid views all round and Glensax below.
.All too soon we began to descend downwards to Peebles.
There is some fine walking to be had in the Peebles area. Rounded, rolling hills that invite the walker to come and explore.
There was one disconcerting thing though, the route we took was to review a walk given by CAMRA, but we never visited a pub?


  1. Wot, no pubs?
    I was intending scooting off for a night or two but it's just too damned hot at the moment.....too hot even for a pub crawl!

  2. LTD looks happy..... I quite like these very relaxed stravaigs..../

  3. Pity you are so far south JJ. Mike and I are off to the Cheviots tomorrow and doing a summer solstice on the beach.

  4. A CAMRA inspired walk without a pub - schoolboy error! :)

  5. Possibly Mike was having an off day Andy?

  6. Maybe Mike should supply the routes to CAMRA and not the other way round.

  7. Now there is a suggestion Alan!
