Monday 20 July 2015

Cheviot wander

Recently I have had the privilege of a few wee wanders with Mick, a nearby neighbour and keen walker. He has three three pooches that require daily walkies and I have tagged along on a few of these dog walking forays. Normally I am a dogless pedestrian, a walker with no panting, faithful hound to keep me company! What have I been missing all these years? A kindly invite from Mick to join him has allowed me a glimpse into the workings of of the dog walking folk. Most of these people are a friendly bunch. Ditto the dogs, with much sniffing and tail wagging, ( the dogs, not the humans) they greet each other. Size and breed are no deterrent.

Mick had proposed a day walk in the Cheviots. On the drive up heavy showers of rain made things appear a tad daunting. However, on parking up close to Clennell, the rain eased and we were blessed with a day of walking in dry conditions. Mick's two smaller dogs were not up to a full day of walking. Bobby though was a dog of boundless energy and was keen to supervise these two humans as we wandered up the valley.

 For a time we followed the river Alwin and then struck off to follow a number of forestry tracks. Wildlife was plentiful. Herons, buzzards and kestrels, roe deer bounding up the hill. We had no particular plan in mind and where content to meander wheresoever our footsteps led us. Bobby was a doggy dynamo, busy exploring all and sundry and yet keeping an eye on his human companions.

Rather than take a direct route back to the car we took to a bridleway that ran high above the valley. A delightful walk.

All in all we had a pleasant day of walking. We finished the day with a brew on Mick's jetboil. Thank you Mick for the company, thank you too Bobby for keeping a watchful eye on your two wayward charges.


  1. Careful Dawn, you'll be getting a dog before you know it! :D

  2. Well Chrissie, it would be nice, unfortunately none too practical.

  3. Whenever I've wanted to take a dog for a walk I've had to take Mike. Well, Lucky anyway.

  4. Well John, I cannot quite picture Mike on a collar and lead!!!!!!!!!!!!!???? Mind, I suppose if the price is right.????

  5. Oooh I dunno.... Just how long is this lead?

  6. Well now, that is debateable! ??
